How to use the off season to improve your golf game

Get stronger for golf.

Learn how to train during the off season to maximize your performance on the green

The off-season is golf's hidden gem of opportunity. It's the quiet before the storm of tournaments, a time to step back from the course and into the gym. While the greens are recovering, so should you—but with a twist. This is the season to hone your body, to build the strength and finesse that will make your next season’s swings the talk of the clubhouse. Think of it not as a break, but as a catapult toward your best game yet. It's a shift from the reactive to the proactive, from chasing balls on the course to chasing goals in the gym.

Here's what that looks like in practice.  

Strength Training

Strength is a critical component of a successful golf game. A strong body helps you generate power and maintain stability throughout your swing. Focus on exercises that target the following areas:

  • Core: Planks, Russian twists, and medicine ball twists.

  • Legs: Squats, lunges, and deadlifts.

  • Back: Lat pulldowns, rows, and pull-ups.

  • Shoulders: Overhead presses and lateral raises.

  • Forearms: Wrist curls and reverse curls.

Incorporate strength training into your routine at least 2-3 times a week to build the necessary muscle for a powerful golf swing.

Flexibility and Mobility

Flexibility is key to achieving a full range of motion in your golf swing. Incorporate stretching exercises into your routine to improve flexibility and mobility in your hips, shoulders, and spine. Yoga and Pilates are excellent options for golfers looking to enhance their flexibility.

Balance and Stability

Maintaining balance and stability throughout your swing is crucial for accuracy and consistency. To improve your balance, try exercises like:

  • Single-leg squats

  • Balance board exercises

  • Yoga poses that focus on balance, like tree pose and warrior III. 

Cardiovascular Endurance

Don't underestimate the importance of cardiovascular fitness in golf. A round of golf can be physically demanding, especially if you're walking the course. Regular cardio workouts, such as jogging, cycling, or swimming, can improve your endurance and help you stay focused throughout the game.

Golf-Specific Exercises

To truly prepare for golf season, consider incorporating golf-specific exercises into your training regimen. These exercises mimic the movements and muscle groups used during a golf swing, helping you build functional strength and improve your game.

  • Golf Rotational Drills: Use a resistance band or cable machine to simulate the twisting motion of your swing.

  • Medicine Ball Throws: Hold a medicine ball and mimic your golf swing, focusing on the explosive release of energy.

  • Swing Plane Drills: Use alignment sticks or training aids to practice your swing path and clubface control.


Preparing for golf season requires a holistic approach that combines physical fitness, flexibility, balance, and mental preparation. By incorporating the top exercises and training techniques mentioned in this blog post into your routine, you'll be well on your way to playing your best game when the golf season arrives. Remember that consistency is key, so stay committed to your training regimen, and you'll see the results on the course. Good luck, and may your golf season be filled with birdies and eagles!


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